Arv Cottonmouth Armored Vehicle: The Us Military’s New Reconnaissance And Combat Vehicle Is Completed

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Textron Systems, a subsidiary of Textron, has successfully completed the prototype of the ARV Cottonmouth armored vehicle. This vehicle is designed to meet the U.S. military’s need for a light, maneuverable, and well-protected asset to carry out reconnaissance and combat missions.

The ARV Cottonmouth weighs 10 tons and is equipped with advanced protection systems, including steel armor and active defense mechanisms. It is powered by a 300-horsepower diesel engine, allowing it to reach a maximum speed of 60 miles per hour.

The ARV Cottonmouth is armed with a range of weapons, including 12.7mm machine guns and anti-tank missiles. The vehicle also has the capacity to carry surveillance and reconnaissance equipment.

Textron Systems is currently conducting prototype testing for the ARV Cottonmouth. It is anticipated that this vehicle will be put into use by the U.S. military in 2025.

Key Features of the ARV Cottonmouth:

  • 10-ton weight
  • Advanced protection systems
  • 300-horsepower diesel engine
  • Maximum speed of 60 miles per hour
  • Weapons include 12.7mm machine guns and anti-tank missiles
  • Capable of carrying surveillance and reconnaissance equipment

The ARV Cottonmouth is a lightweight, highly maneuverable, and well-protected vehicle designed to meet the U.S. military’s requirements for executing reconnaissance and combat missions.

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