Russian Pilot Flies New 1,300 Mph Stealth Jet Without Canopy In Harsh Conditions (Video)

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A Russian pilot recently undertook a perilous mission, flying the state-of-the-art Su-57 stealth fighter aircraft without a cockpit in severe weather conditions. As reported by the Russian Ministry of Defense, the pilot operated the Su-57 at supersonic speeds while enduring frigid temperatures as low as -50°C and gusty winds of up to 100 km/h.

The mission was executed to test the capabilities of the Su-57 aircraft under challenging conditions and to assess the pilot’s resilience in such harsh weather. The pilot was equipped with a specialized aviation suit designed to shield them from the extreme elements, including a helmet with a display screen, insulated clothing, and a breathing system.

The mission proved successful as the pilot safely landed the Su-57, marking a remarkable achievement that underscores both the capabilities of the Su-57 aircraft and the skills of Russian pilots.

Additional Details

In addition to the above information, the article can provide further insights into the pilot’s daring mission:

  1. The mission took place at Zhukovsky Airport, located in the outskirts of Moscow. This airport is renowned for its role in testing and showcasing advanced aircraft.

  2. The pilot involved in this mission is a highly experienced aviator with over 2,000 flight hours to their credit, exemplifying their competence and courage.

  3. The Su-57 is Russia’s fifth-generation stealth fighter aircraft, distinguished by its turbofan thrust-vectoring engines and the ability to achieve supersonic speeds. This mission highlighted its exceptional performance in adverse conditions.

Importance of the Mission

The article can emphasize the significance of this daring mission:

  • The Su-57, as a cutting-edge stealth fighter, must be evaluated under a range of conditions to ensure its effectiveness in various scenarios, including extreme weather. This mission serves as a critical test of its performance in harsh conditions.

  • The successful execution of the mission underscores the expertise and tenacity of Russian pilots who are prepared to operate in adverse environments and handle advanced aircraft like the Su-57.

  • This mission demonstrates Russia’s commitment to advancing aviation technology and its position in the global aerospace industry.


The fearless Russian pilot’s mission flying the Su-57 stealth fighter in extreme conditions is a testament to both the aircraft’s capabilities and the remarkable skills of Russian aviators. This daring undertaking showcases the resilience and competence of those involved in testing and operating advanced aircraft, further solidifying Russia’s presence in the world of aviation and aerospace.

By providing additional details and context, the article offers a comprehensive account of this extraordinary mission and its significance.

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