YB-35 And YB-49: America’s First Stealth Bombers, Unsung Precursors to the B-2 Spirit

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The YB-35 and YB-49, the stealthy forerunners of the B-2 Spirit, represent a crucial chapter in the evolution of American stealth bomber technology. Developed by the Northrop Corporation in the 1940s, these aircraft marked a revolutionary leap forward in aviation design. Their unique flying wing configurations significantly reduced radar detectability, setting the stage for the future of stealth warfare.

While the YB-35 and YB-49 never entered mass production, they played an indispensable role in the advancement of stealth technology. The knowledge and experience gained from their development became the bedrock upon which the B-2 Spirit, the world’s most advanced stealth bomber, was constructed.

Remarkable Features of the YB-35 and YB-49:

The YB-35 and YB-49 showcased several remarkable features, including:

  1. Unique Flying Wing Design: The flying wing design reduced radar cross-section, making them challenging to detect by enemy radar systems.

  2. High-Speed Capability: These aircraft possessed the ability to fly at high speeds, enabling them to evade enemy defenses effectively.

  3. Potent Armament: Armed with powerful bombs and missiles, the YB-35 and YB-49 were formidable offensive platforms.

Contributions to the Development of the B-2 Spirit:

The YB-35 and YB-49 made significant contributions to the evolution of the B-2 Spirit. The engineers at Northrop Corporation extracted invaluable insights from the development and testing of these aircraft, which later proved pivotal in creating the B-2 Spirit. These insights encompassed the integration of stealth technology, aerodynamic design, and materials science.

The flying wing configuration, originally introduced with the YB-35 and refined in the YB-49, was instrumental in reducing radar visibility. This breakthrough design became an integral element of the B-2 Spirit, enhancing its ability to operate undetected in hostile airspace.

Incorporating the knowledge gained from these early projects, the B-2 Spirit was conceived. This cutting-edge stealth bomber combined advancements in materials science and radar-absorbing coatings, pushing the boundaries of what was achievable in low observability. As a result, the B-2 Spirit could penetrate heavily defended airspace, delivering precision strikes with unprecedented stealth.

The Influence on Modern Warfare:

The YB-35 and YB-49’s enduring legacy lies in the profound influence they had on modern warfare. Their pioneering role in stealth technology reshaped the landscape of aerial combat, ushering in a new era of evasive and undetectable aircraft. The B-2 Spirit, built upon the foundations laid by these early flying wings, represents the zenith of stealth capabilities in the present day.


The YB-35 and YB-49, despite never achieving mass production, stand as silent trailblazers in the history of American military aviation. Their unique contributions to the development of stealth technology have left an indelible mark on the field of aerial warfare. These aircraft served as a critical bridge between the past and the present, with the B-2 Spirit as their crowning achievement.

The YB-35 and YB-49’s remarkable design, which minimized radar detectability and maximized speed and firepower, laid the groundwork for the stealth revolution. The B-2 Spirit, the pinnacle of their legacy, remains the epitome of modern stealth warfare, ensuring the enduring relevance of these pioneering aircraft.

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