NETMA ɑnd GмbH Sign Sιgnifιcant Agreeмent On Transition To Adʋanced E-Scan Radɑr Woɾth 300 Millιon Euros

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NETMA and GmbH Sign Significant Agreement on Transition to Advanced E-Scan Radar

NETMA (NATO Eurofighter & Tornado Management Agency) and GmbH (Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH) have signed a significant agreement worth 300 million euros on the transition from the current M-Scan radar to the advanced E-Scan radar. The agreement will provide the next steps in the capability evolution of the Eurofighter Typhoon combat aircraft.

The E-Scan radar is a next-generation radar that offers a number of advantages over the current M-Scan radar, including:

  • Increased range and detection performance
  • Improved tracking accuracy
  • Enhanced electronic countermeasures (ECM) resistance
  • Greater flexibility and adaptability to future threats

The transition to the E-Scan radar will be a major upgrade for the Eurofighter Typhoon and will help to ensure that it remains one of the most advanced combat aircraft in the world.

The agreement between NETMA and GmbH is a significant milestone in the development of the Eurofighter Typhoon. It shows that the NATO member nations are committed to investing in the platform and ensuring that it remains a key part of their air defense capabilities.

Benefits of the E-Scan Radar

The E-Scan radar offers a number of benefits over the current M-Scan radar, including:

  • Increased range and detection performance: The E-Scan radar has a longer range and can detect targets more accurately than the M-Scan radar. This gives the Eurofighter Typhoon a significant advantage in air combat.
  • Improved tracking accuracy: The E-Scan radar can track targets more accurately than the M-Scan radar, even when they are maneuvering or in the presence of electronic countermeasures (ECM). This makes it easier for the Eurofighter Typhoon to engage targets successfully.
  • Enhanced ECM resistance: The E-Scan radar is more resistant to ECM than the M-Scan radar. This makes it more difficult for enemy forces to interfere with the radar’s operation.
  • Greater flexibility and adaptability to future threats: The E-Scan radar is more flexible and adaptable to future threats than the M-Scan radar. This is because the E-Scan radar is software-defined, which means that its capabilities can be easily updated as new threats emerge.


The agreement between NETMA and GmbH to transition to the E-Scan radar is a significant milestone in the development of the Eurofighter Typhoon. The E-Scan radar will give the Eurofighter Typhoon a number of advantages over the current M-Scan radar, including increased range and detection performance, improved tracking accuracy, enhanced ECM resistance, and greater flexibility and adaptability to future threats. The transition to the E-Scan radar will help to ensure that the Eurofighter Typhoon remains one of the most advanced combat aircraft in the world.

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